Need to GET MORE ORGANISED? Virtual Assistants are just waiting to work for you. They are seen as the SILENT BUSINESS PARTNER and could be doing all of those behind-the-scene tasks that rip your time away from you. Consider a Virtual Assistant instead of spending more of your precious time calculating the cost of employing hired help, interviewing, setting up payroll and tax, workplace orientation and supervision.

We are here waiting to help you.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Fantastic Business Links for Virtual Assistants

Ive been extremely busy this week setting up some other sites, obtaining my own domain name and organising an "official website".  Basically I will be transferring everything I have posted so far to my new domain in the next couple of weeks and will redirect my readers to that site.

In my extremely busy week this week, (which is why my blogs have dropped a little) I have been doing a lot of training on internet marketing, but on my new website, I will be specialising in assisting business' to grow and expand their web presence for increases in sales.

This will take a fair bit of work on my part in refining the whole process, as right now, I'm spending a LOT of time researching the absolute BEST directories, forums, article marketing websites, keyword research tools and SEO tools to ensure a top quality service for my clients.

If this goes where I think its going to go, it could be a new trend in online business for offline niche business'.

I will also be eventually producing an e-book on the setup of the whole procedure so that others may reproduce what I have done and make a business out of it.  I have found, literally stumbled across an AWESOME Internet Marketing Company that just immediately opened the internet world up to me from the first sight of one of three free gifts they offered to me as I navigated away from their site.

I just couldn't believe it when I opened it up, how well organised, VERY well presented, and in step by step videos how easy it was to follow.  What amazed me more than anything else though was that if they were offering me all this detailed technical knowledge in such a professionally presented and detailed account for free.... what on earth is their paid instruction going to show me?

Well, that's what I'm about to find out.  Make no mistake folks, I want to build something spectacularly unique and THIS, what you are reading right now is where it all began.

Follow me on Twitter to keep track in brief of where I'm at with everything and how its going.

I will have email newsletters going out soon if you would like updates in your inbox.

And...... SMILE : )  Its Free !

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